These steps are tested for Oracle JET 4.X release as well.
I have found some really nice articles, however i would like to present the same in the way I understood them.
Not demeaning the content from those posts, I would like to condense the steps a little bit, so that it would be a reference to me as well. So here we go :
a. Install the grunt-war using below command :
npm install grunt-war --save-dev
b. Verify if the directory "/grunt-war" is generated in the node_modules directory.
c. Create a javascript file as below in scripts folder :
The file content is as below :
module.exports = {
* Build a WAR (web archive) without Maven or the JVM installed.
* Template strings in the <%= %> tags are set in the data section of Gruntfile.js,
* or you can hardcode the strings here instead
target: {
options: {
war_dist_folder: '<%= distdir %>', /* Folder to generate the WAR into, set in data section of Gruntfile.js */
war_name: '<%= appname %>', /* The name for the WAR file (.war will be the extension) */
webxml_webapp_version: '2.5', /* I needed this older version for JCS-SX */
war_extras: [ {filename: 'grunt-war-credits.txt', data: 'This line will appear in the file!\n see '},
{filename: 'WEB-INF/weblogic.xml', data: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<weblogic-web-app xmlns="" xmlns:j2ee="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">\n <jsp-descriptor>\n <keepgenerated>true</keepgenerated>\n <debug>true</debug>\n </jsp-descriptor>\n <context-root>/<%= appname %></context-root>\n</weblogic-web-app>'}],
/* the war_extras are extra files to be generated, needed since grunt-war doesn't create a weblogic.xml */ /* also notice that we're using the <%= appname %> variable in there */
webxml_welcome: 'index.html', /* to point web.xml to the default page */
webxml_webapp_extras: [ '<login-config />\n', '<session-config>\n <session-timeout>\n 30\n </session-timeout>\n</session-config>\n' ]
/* some extra settings for web.xml to work with JCS-SX */
files: [
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= appdir %>', /* find the source files for the WAR in the /web folder, set in Gruntfile.js */
src: ['**'],
dest: ''